We had 65 travel buyers respond to our latest Industry Insights Questions regarding vaccinations and travel between. Survey conducted between Oct 1 and Oct 7, 2021. Don't miss all the commentary below!

What methods/processes are you using for proof of vaccination
(to upload, store, etc.)?
Associates are required to be vaccinated by 11/1/21. If no exception is on file with HR, they will be terminated.
COVID-19 Vaccine Completion Form upload in the system. Stored and kept confidential.
Employees are required to upload a copy of their vaccination card into the HR system (Workday) and also answer when they received their vaccination(s), which manufacturer vaccine they received, and the dates of each vaccination in addition to the image of their vaccination card.
Employees are required to upload their vaccination cards to the Company Health Portal. Vaccination is also required for physical return to the office.
Internal program controlled by HR.
Not for travel, but to return to the office when it reopens, we are requiring employees to update their Workday profile with their vaccine information. However, it is voluntary, and "proof" is not required at this time. We're using the honor system for now.
Not required, but highly encouraged. Without vaccination, testing required to enter office buildings.
Only attestations, no proof required.
Printed vaccine card (US), Clear app, provincial vaccination app in Quebec.
Proof of vaccination to work at the company.
Staff have to register their vaccination status with the medical office. Staff are supposed to be vaccinated in order to travel.
Staff, Faculty, and Students are required to upload their vaccination verification into an internal data base.
They are asked to upload their card with Zedic, the system we use for daily check-ins but not required. They have to show and upload for all international travel.
They need to send their proof to HR and HR keeps record. We have authority to ask HR if the traveler is fully vaccinated and they tell us yes or no.
Upload into a website.
Upload into our HR Systems.
Upload/store into ERP system.
US-based employees verify their vaccination status with HR. Travel is not allowed to ask for a proof of vaccination, we ask travelers to self-certify when booking travel that they gave a
proof of vaccination to HR.
Using Workday for office vaccination purposes.
Vaccination card used to validate vaccination status, but not used yet to qualify for business travel.
Visual validation but no physical storage of information on our computers.
voluntary upload to HR repository for vax cards.
We are leaving it up to the traveler to decide, however, we are testing Clear for our external U.S. based meetings as a proof of vaccination method.
We are not requiring employees to provide proof, but if they have not submitted proof they require executive level approval to travel. We are using Workday.
We don't require proof of vaccination.
We use Trip Actions which has an option to add the required medical documents securely.
We will be requiring vaccination for employees and suppliers/visitors to be in our office starting Nov 1. We are using an existing 3rd party system in use today - service now.
Any additional insights or comments?
Advising vaccines are highly recommended.
As of today, we are not requiring vaccinations for domestic or international travel, however this may change in the future.
Fluid situation and may change. In fact I keep hearing that "something" will be coming but no announcement yet. I understand in EU it is illegal? Curious as to your results.
It would be great to see more of a push to have IATA's Travel Pass used as the global standard.
Mandatory vaccination policy is in place for Home Offices, Regional Offices. Distribution
Centers and other warehouse associates are not include, at this time.
Quebec requires full vaccination to enter a restaurant, bar, theater, museum. This was easy to implement due to nationalized healthcare.
Recommend vaccination, plus follow all rules in place for travel state and local.
Recommend if you are not vaccinated to not travel.
Still a work in process.
The same processes is required to work in/visit an office. There are no specific policies or processes in place for the unvaccinated.
Travelers will need to be compliant based on the vendor or location of travel. We provide them links to our duty of care system, and "know before you go" by Sherpa to ensure they do not have travel disruptions by not fulfilling the requirements of each country of vendor.
Vaccinated employees are not required to wear a mask while in the office, however a daily check in is required for all employees to verify if they have a fever or have been near an infected person in the last 48 hours. No vaccinated proof is needed to travel at this time.
Vaccination for Travelers will eventually be required globally. However, at this time due to vaccine availability the requirements is for US based travelers and highly recommended for others.
We are considering a vaccination requirement for travel but will likely work through an honor system.
We are highly recommending vaccines for travel and requiring a covid test before/after travel (these are made available to employees through mail and walk up in many of our offices). For some meetings and travel we are requiring vaccines, but these are case by case and not a requirement across the board globally.
We are leaving it up to the traveler today. Talk to me in two weeks, maybe I'll have a different answer :)
We are not currently requiring vaccination for travel, but I do think it would be a good idea.
We are not requiring proof but are highly recommending that our employees be vaccinated.
We ARE requiring verification before an employee may enter any of our HQ offices (which would be most of our travelers) - the vax card must be shown to your manager (via Zoom, if remote) or Corporate Security (at the office) and the information is loaded into an online form (Google doc).
We are only requiring vaccinations for international travel as that is a requirement for the countries we are traveling to in EMEA and APAC. We do not require it for US domestic travel.
We are requiring proof of vaccination for employment so no need to break down for travel.
Would be interesting to have that answer as the initial filter to this survey.
We are requiring vaccinations or exemptions for employment so in a sense, I guess the answer could be yes. But we are not telling employees they must be vaccinated in order to travel, we are following local government guidelines.
We only have minimal travel at present and we are deciding how to approach this question in 2022.
We only require this on our corporate aircraft. This will allow them to not wear a mask vs wearing one.
While we are not requiring proof of vaccination to travel, We are requiring employees to be vaccinated to enter the US office locations.