Do you track how much you spend on baggage fees?

If yes, what percentage of your airline spend does this comprise?

If yes, do you track by airline?

What You Need to Know
Our survey shows that the large majority of travel programs do not have line of sight over airline baggage fees. Those that do report the percentage of baggage fees to be less than 1 percent of airline spend. However, with diminishing up-front discounts on ticket prices, we have been hearing more questions than ever on the ancillary spend. The issue can be complex as many travelers get additional baggage allowances through status in their loyalty programs and different airlines have different fees, or none at all, for checked baggage. Better sourcing decisions are always made with more effective data available. Collecting the required information however either relies on the suppliers providing it or more granularity and coding in the expense reporting tool watch can often degrade the user experience. As programs look to the future, this dilemma can be resolved with end-to-end integrated travel solutions with AI built into the data and reporting capabilities.